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The Shoals Club officially opened for the 2014 season last weekend, showing off some great improvements and upgrades that had been made during the off season. Some of these recent changes include: * Added a new Member's Deck for the exclusive use of full members; * Ordered new pool chaise lounges, refinished the swimming pool, stained and resealed the verandahs and concrete sidewalks and circle; * Ordered all new Sandbar Continue reading
Spring is almost here, and what better way to celebrate the end of a long winter than with a beach party? The March edition of the Maritme Market's Howl at the Moon Sunset/Moonrise party happens this Sunday, March 16 and is being sponsored by the Shoals Club. Gather at Beach Access 39 from 6-8 p.m. for a blazing bonfire, a huge pot of Chef Chip's delectable soup and good company. BYOB and bring an appetizer to share. The Shoals Continue reading
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