18 Ideas for New Year’s Resolutions in 2018

pictureforNewYearBlogThe New Year is quickly approaching and the holiday season is upon us. Many people have already engaged in retrospection about their decisions during 2017. New Year’s resolutions are a great way to recommit to changes that you have been wanting to make in your life.   

What follows is a list of 18 resolutions that you may want to implement in the next few days.  If you are looking for a few ways to enhance your life in 2018, these simple ideas may be a good start.   

-Create More Experiences. Taking time to do some new things and create happy memories may reduce your stress level and improve relationships quicker than anything else. 

-Use Your Cell Phone Less. Research shows that we are more addicted to our cell phones and texting than caffeine. Try achieving this resolution in baby steps.  For example, when you go to take a picture of that beautiful sunset with your cell phone, lay it down and just enjoy the experience of watching it. 

-Explore Somewhere New. Plan a vacation to a new location in 2018.  Bald Head Island is a good place to consider.  Subscribe to our email list to get notified of promotions. 

-Walk More. A stroll on the beach is relaxing and walking on sand can be good exercise as well. 

-Enjoy a New Hobby. A great way to keep your memory sharp is by learning new things.  

-Make New Friends. We often become creatures of habit during the year. One way to get out and experience new things is by making new friends.   

-Spend More Time with Family. There are so many benefits of spending time with the people you love. Building stronger emotional bonds and creating wonderful memories are just two benefits that your family can enjoy when you choose to focus on this resolution. 

-Read More. Women have often cited that they would like have more time to read their favorite novels. You can pick up a new book and read a few pages every day to meet this goal. 

-Find Passion in a Cause. Volunteering can create positive emotions if you do it only occasion. Organizations are always looking for volunteers or you can do something simple like checking on neighbors or donating clothes to your favorite charity. 

-Reconnect with Old Friends. Taking the time to to catch up with old friends can usher in a great deal of happiness. You can call one old friend each week or month.  

-Write More Thank You Notes. Many people have replaced letters and notes with emails and text messages. Make someone smile by sending a handwritten thank you note and putting it in the mail. 

-Make Less Excuses.  When trying to create new habits or meet your goals, avoiding excuses is a good way to ensure that you are successful. 

-Create a Gratitude Journal. One way to count your blessings on a regular basis is to record your blessings in a gratitude journal. 

-Give 3 Compliments a Week. Sharing compliments is a great way to deepen relationships with others. 

-Start Being More Creative. Tap into your creative side by taking an art class, working on a book or learning photography. 

-Eat Healthier Foods. Try cooking more meals with fruits and vegetables. Visiting your local farmers’ markets can also be helpful in eating better. 

-Reinvent Yourself. You can do something as simple as get a new hairstyle or a pair of glasses in a bright color to give yourself a whole new look for the new year. 

-An Easy Activity for the New Year is to start January with an empty jar and each week write yourself a note reminding yourself of one good thing that happened to you. At the end of the year or whenever you need a pick me up, empty the jar and read all of the good things that have occurred in your life. 

We hope that you find some of these resolutions helpful. The Bald Head Island family wish you and your family a very happy and healthy new year! 

Published on Friday, December 29, 2017


P.O. Box 3069, Bald Head Island, NC 28461 US