Packing Tips for Bald Head Island

Are you ready for your Bald Head Island vacation? You have booked your dream beach trip and are counting the days until you visit. Now it’s time to pack. Whether you stay for a weekend or a week, packing can seem overwhelming. We’ve got some tried and true tips for preparing your bags for vacation to help make your trip a smooth one.
Save space: We’ve heard of people rolling their clothes to save on space but have you ever tried it? Maybe you’re the type that throws everything in your luggage to figure it out later. But we tried the rolling method and not only does it save tons of room for more clothes but also keeps your clothes wrinkle-free which saves on valuable vacation time! Another great tip is to pack your clothes by outfit. Knowing you have an entire outfit planned for a day will help you avoid packing lots of extra shirts or pants that will never get worn and just take up space.
Organize: The “throw everything in your luggage” type probably does the same with electronics and accessories. When you arrive at your destination, your phone/camera/tablet cords are all tangled and mixed up. We found this hack which is pretty awesome. Use an old glasses case or buy a few at the dollar store and carefully store each cord in a separate case with a label to locate easily. You can also use those cases for storing small beauty products or makeup brushes.
Checklist: Work on a checklist in advance to start putting things aside that you’ll need on your trip. If you tend to check off a mental list as you’re packing on the day you leave, chances are you’ll forget some things. If you start a list a week earlier, you can add and take away as you go with more time to have everything you'll need on your Bald Head Island vacation. We love the printable checklists so someone else can remind you of all the essentials.
Spill-proof: Most of us travel with some kinds of liquids and almost everyone has had a spill disaster in their luggage. Storing your liquids in a Ziploc bag can help but even then, they can leak in the bag which wastes products and makes everything sticky. A good tip is to cut a small section of plastic wrap, unscrew the lid, and put it over the top before screwing the lid back on. It will block any leaking and if the cap comes undone, nothing can come out. This hack and other toiletry storage tips can be found here.
Bald Head Island is your chance to get away from it all and relax to the fullest extent. We hope these tips will save you some packing stress and leave more time to enjoy your island getaway.
Published on Tuesday, October 24, 2017